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Protective Intelligence

Protect your personnel, assets and facilities with Managed Intelligence.

Convergence of Cyber and Physical Security

See Risks from Outside-In

Corporate security today is not easy. The threat landscape is quickly evolving. The expertise and technology needed to effectively stay one step ahead of the adversary is beyond the physical security domain. The volume and diversity of threats is increasing.
CSO Buyer's Guide Mockup

The State of Risk

Key Considerations and Concerns


Leaders agree Cybersecurity and physical security must be integrated or else both cyber and physical threats will be missed
Source: Vanson Bourne


In 2022, malicious data breaches start or are caused by a physical security compromise
Source: Farsight


How many risk leaders believe that new interconnected risks are emerging faster than ever
Source: Accenture

“Nisos has an amazing team. They have assisted us tremendously as we have grown our security capabilities over the past several years. Their ability to adapt to our needs as we mature has made them a key and critical partner for us.”

Dan Williams
Senior Manager, Physical Security
Uber Technologies, Inc.

Real Risks

How Digital Activity Presents Real World Risks to People, Locations, and Assets

Global Security Risks

Country risk indicators can be found in main-stream publications and social media platforms, and on the dark web. These can manifest as threats to key personnel while traveling, or to locations, assets and supply chain partners within a region.

Negative Sentiment

Sentiment can inspire real world harm. Threat actors and opposition groups can mount disinformation campaigns. And executives can put themselves and your business in the crosshairs of activists or hacktivists by publicly expressing their opinions.

Pattern of Life and PII Exposure

There is a trove of personal digital data online that can be used by adversaries to create an attack vector. What you buy, where you go, and details about your relationships are often shared on social media. Information like utility, voting and property records are regularly scraped, aggregated and sold on the dark web.


This practice of publishing an individual’s identifiable information on the open internet for others to find, is increasingly common. Your employees could be blackmailed, threatened, and intimidated.

Organized Protests and Attacks

Today, much of the plotting and planning for protests and coordinated attacks on your physical locations and infrastructure takes place online. From social media to the dark web, threat actors and threat actor groups meet-up to discuss and strategize.

Spear Phishing

Adversaries increasingly prey on employees via email, text, or phone calls pretending to be an executive. Your employees may be quick to carry out the adversary’s request given their eagerness to please a member of your c-suite.

“Nisos’ analyst-led Third-Party Risk investigations maximize our visibility into relevant, traditional AND non-traditional business risks within our ecosystem ensuring we are able to properly analyze exposure and take proper action.”

John Sullivan
Global Chief Security & Resiliency Officer – Vice President
Boston Scientific

“The intelligence reports I get from Nisos are great. I don’t even have to touch them. I just forward them to the c-suite. And I am a hero.”

Global Security Director | Multinational Manufacturing Company

Expertise and Technology

The Nisos Managed Intelligence Difference

Nisos Managed Intelligence reduces your corporate security risk through risk assessments, threat monitoring and investigations.

Our analysts and client success members have extensive hands-on intelligence experience in US government agencies and the Fortune 500. They work alongside your team, and tailor your protective intelligence to your organization’s unique risks and priorities.

Our powerful threat intelligence platform is the engine ingests 30+ licensed, curated and proprietary intelligence feeds and data collection solutions and 20 billion+ dark web and breach database records.

Immediately Useful Intelligence: Timely and relevant intelligence that facilitates smart decision-making.

Intelligence Tailored to You: Specific to your organization, your priorities, risks and security needs.

An Extension of Your Team: Top caliber experts working shoulder to shoulder with you, for you.

Explore the Managed Intelligence Suite >>

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